a black and white logo for the new covenant presbyterian church .

Women's Ministries

Lydia Circle

Welcome to the Lydia Circle, our beloved Ladies' Bible study! We gather on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm, creating a cozy atmosphere for an enriching journey through the scriptures. All ladies are warmly welcomed to join us for a delightful blend of Bible study, heartfelt fellowship, and tasty refreshments.

In Fall of 2023, we'll embark on an enlightening study diving into the book of Habakkuk. Come and be part of this wonderful exploration of faith and understanding as we deepen our connection through the inspired words of scripture. See you there!

Get Involved
a woman is holding a bible in her hands .
a group of people are sitting around a table eating food .

Special Events

Join the heartwarming gatherings of our community of ladies who come together multiple times throughout the year for fun and memorable special events. These cherished occasions have included the "Christmas Salad Lunch," the cozy and comforting "Soup Luncheon," and the refreshing "Summer Coffee."

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates on these wonderful events. Your presence would add a sprinkle of joy to our gatherings! To stay in the loop about these delightful gatherings and more, we encourage you to visit our calendar and read our monthly church newsletters found HERE.

We look forward to sharing the joy of togetherness with you.  See you soon!

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